Thursday, September 11, 2008


I just found a blog about some 434F503E31 investments. I often ponder how many resources are simple phishing-hooks controlled by the PTB. Well, this particular blog was titled "The Role of Teamwork in the Development of New Technologies" Sure enough they have the typical punch line, drama, and superfluous solution. I noticed that there are no comments. So I attempted to post a comment all was well and then i notice that the comments are still zero.  Further investigation on the page revealed that the author had comments locked untill approval. Very strange indeed. So now I am pondering if this particular blog is just the PTB dooing a little phishing, or perhaps the elite scam has found a new game to play.

It is quite sad even in the blogs I am forced to exploit coded words. 


Ok everyone working on a 434F503E31 system is publishing amazing videos on youtube and the like. I've never found a video that exploits without question some revolutionary technique. Voltage Meters, Current Meters what have you are always in abundance afixed to sections of a circuit that provide little if any information about the authenticity of the device's claims and mode of operation. To give an abstract example, Lets say we have an experimenter named Bob. Well, Bob believes that he has just created a 434F503E31 system. Bob takes some video of the device operating he even supplies an input Voltage and Current reading.  Bob also supplies a Voltage or Current reading on the output. The important thing to note here is that Bob never supplies both Voltage and Current. This agititates me a great deal. In addition to the agitation I am forced into a line of deductive thinking and tend to conclude that Bob's device is really not 434F503E31. Perhaps Bob feels that he has wasted alot of time on the device and needs some rectification. Or Bob does not realize that he needs to prove his output. The whole "it seems to work" movement is good enough. Or yet maybe there is another excuse, explanation as to why the single most important peice of data is left for the mind to ponder. This is in itself a terrible thing, experiments fail all the time - this is how we learn. Intential manipulation or lack of information seems to be a natural compensation mechanism in this line of experiment. 

Admiteddly  it can be quite depressing to find that an experiment has failed after months or years of work. The manor in which an experimenter handles failure is what i believe to be one of the definitive definitions of a Scientist.  That is a true Scientist can take failure in stride. My very definition of "true scientist" may need a little definition in itself. You see we live in a world of para-science. A para-scientist will quite often label the true scientist. It must however be pointed out that a true scientist will seek to explain that of which has no explination, not seek to profit. From this it can be found that para-scientists study dogma not science. In this notion i abstract a subtle truth about the parliament of our time. The practice of scientific dogma and true science are both profitable. The terms are not quite the same though. Scientific Dogma pays immediately. Where as True science pays many lears later often when the scientists himself has past away and the experimental evidence is accidently discovered. The strange thing here is that history has taught us time and time again how a paradigm shift can expose the dogma of the day.


There is a tremendous interest in  434F503E31 systems. The problem that I see with all the experimental precedures is a fundamental lack of sophistication. That sophisitication belonging to the analysis. Very few if any have provided a means of replication. This is the single most important aspect of any experiment and no one is providing such. Experimenters need to undestand the importance of this scientific discipline. You see replication takes precidence over theory. That is if anyone can repeat a given experiment, the experiment is proof of the concept. Ofcourse current theory may explain 434F503E31 systems providing a paradigm shift. Most people will argue that 434F503E31 systems can not be since they violate law n thermodynamics. A classic example; a cliché if you will, is the common heat-pump as it called. These system are most certainly 434F503E31 systems.  The point that requires stress is that 434F503E31 systems are not over unity in terms of efficiency. There are two forms of energy supplied to such a system. One form we know very well because we pay for it. That unit being the Kw/hr. The other unit is not so readily understood. That unit is supplied by the system. The topologies can be argued night and day, what can not be argued is that in an abstract form this unit can be equated as "the environment".  That's right, the ambient has plenty of energy should you know how to fetch it.  You see even when that environment is cold there is plent of energy to be extracted / moved. This system is probably the best stepping stone of 434F503E31 systems that I can think of.